There are a variety of reasons an adult may receive a
neuropsychological evaluation. For individuals with known
neurological conditions (e.g., traumatic brain injury, stroke, tumor,
seizures, etc.), an evaluation provides useful information about her/his
strengths and weaknesses related to various cognitive/thinking skills.
This information can be used to develop recommendations for
improving the client's For instance, test results can be used to
determine the type of memory difficulties a person may be
experiencing with the goal of developing strategies for improving these
abilities. For individuals in recovery from a neurological injury, a
neuropsychological evaluation can be used to monitor their progress
and assist in making decisions related to daily functioning (e.g., return
to work or school, living independently, return to driving,
accommodations that may be useful for improving performance at
work and school, etc.). Baseline test data can be used as a comparison
for follow-up evaluations to determine if a person’s functioning is
improving, remaining similar, or worsening over time. This information
is often useful for neurologists and other physicians in determining a
specific diagnosis and potential treatments, as well as updating

Neuropsychological evaluations can be useful for diagnosing specific
types of learning disabilities (e.g., Reading Disorder/Dyslexia) and
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Once a diagnosis
is made, treatment recommendations are formulated to improve the
person’s functioning. This may include providing education about
specific strategies for improving the person's abilities (e.g.,
learning/memory, organizational skills) in areas of difficulty, as well
as documenting the need for accommodations in school, work, or other

For individuals referred by Vocational Rehabilitation for a
neuropsychological evaluation, the results are often used to determine
strengths and weaknesses related to vocational and academic

The following domains are typically assessed in a neuropsychological
  • Various forms of intelligence (e.g., verbal and nonverbal abilities)
  • Learning and memory (both verbal and visual)
  • Attention/concentration
  • Language abilities
  • Information processing speed
  • Visual-spatial skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Sensory and motor skills
  • Academic skills (e.g., reading, spelling/writing, math)
  • Emotional/behavioral functioning (as this often impacts
    cognitive/thinking skills)

The length of a neuropsychological evaluation varies depending on the
reason for referral and other factors. Evaluations are typically
completed in 5-7 hours and include a review of available records,
interview of the client (and significant others, if desired), and
psychometric testing. A report is written which provides a summary of
test results and recommendations. Clients receive a copy of this
report, and a copy can also be sent to the client's physician or other
professionals. A feedback session is then scheduled to review this
information and answer questions related to test results and
recommendations. At that time, clients are provided with information
regarding various compensatory strategies and daily systems to put
into place. Dr. Baker has extensive experience in providing
psychotherapy and cognitive retraining to individuals with cognitive
difficulties (e.g., problems with attention, memory, and organizational
skills), and shares numerous suggestions during the feedback session.

Adults seen for neuopsychological, psychoeducational, or
psychological evaluations can have a qEEG brain mapping
assessment added to the evaluation. Brain mapping data can help
explain the underlying factors contributing to the client's
cognitive, academic, and emotional/behavioral functioning.