It has been estimated that at least 7-10% (and possibly as many as
17%) of children in the United States demonstrate significant
symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or
ADD). Common symptoms of ADHD include failure to listen to
instructions; difficulty organizing school work; not finishing chores
and homework; difficulty paying attention to details; being bored
easily; fidgeting/squirming in seat; excessive talking; restlessness,
interrupting/intruding on others; and being impulsive. Children with
ADHD may show signs of inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, or
both. A common myth is that children with ADHD are unable to
focus their attention on most tasks. However, children with ADHD
typically only have problems focusing and sustaining attention on
tasks they aren’t interested in, but are able to focus on enjoyable
activities (e.g., playing games) without difficulty. Therefore, the
diagnosis is often not made until children enter school, at which time
symptoms typically become more obvious.

Neuropsychological testing is considered to be the "gold standard"
in the assessment of attentional disorders such as ADHD. An
abbreviated neuropsychological evaluation can help confirm the
presence of significant problems with inattention and/or
hyperactivity/impulsivity related to an attentional disorder
(ADHD/ADD) or other causes. Abbreviated cognitive testing (e.g.,
computerized and paper-and-pencil tests of domains such as
learning/memory, focused/sustained attention, planning abilities, and
other executive functions) is given in an abbreviated
neuropsychological evaluation, and more extensive cognitive testing
is available within a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation
(see "Child Neuropsychological Evaluation" page). Abbreviated
neuropsychological evaluations also include observation of the
child, parent/guardian interview, and questionnaires completed by
parents/guardians and teachers. We then develop specific treatment
recommendations for improving the child’s attention/concentration;
reducing hyperactivity and impulsivity; and improving functioning in
various domains (e.g., academic performance, social functioning,
task completion, etc.). Following the evaluation, brief re-evaluations
can be conducted to determine whether there has been improvement
in areas of difficulty as a result of specific interventions.

Children seen for neuopsychological, psychoeducational, or
psychological evaluations can have a qEEG brain mapping
assessment added to the evaluation. Brain mapping data can help
explain the underlying factors contributing to a children's
cognitive, academic, and emotional/behavioral functioning.
(Abbreviated Neuropsychological Evaluation)